Ноэль Филдинг подтвердил, что его сольный тур отменяется, т.к. майти буш должны писать фильм. Очень извинялся
оригинальный текстJust a quick message to say my tour has been cancelled so that Julian and I can concentrate on writing the film and the album x
about 6 hours ago from web
I am really sorry if anyone bought tickets I really did not know that tickets had gone on sale when I cancelled it. So sorry people x
about 6 hours ago from web
I really wish I had time to do everything but there have been a lot of complications and things shifting around out of my control. sorry .
about 5 hours ago from web
ITseems there has been a major cock up somewhere I thought people had been informed ages ago. so sorry I feel terrible
about 5 hours ago from webСегодня будет новый выпуск баззкокс)
два кадра из твиттера ДжупитусаФото перед выпусками, которые выйдут 18 и 25 ноября)